
Wood Carvings

Statues/ figures, senegalese chairs, traditional mortal & pestle (http://en.wikipedia.org/w...), etc.

Fruits and vegetables

Fresh produce buy them fresh or in jelly/ jam preserves, juice concentrates, dried pieces, or precut and preserved in cansfor the vegetables.

Leather products

Shoes, sandals, bags, belts, wallets, or anything else you can dream up, have a picture of, and explain to the skilled workers.

Tie-Dye Products

Senegalese clothing, table cloth & napkins, bathrobes, etc.

The national currency of Senegal is the CFA Franc.

A tourist can easily find any toiletry or substitute left behind, but what makes Mboro superb is its locally produced quality products sold to the residents themselves. Women's groups, artisans, and craftsmen create everyday products for their families, friends, and neighbors that any tourist would find to be a unique treasure. Some of the best prices in the country can be found in this humble abode when compared to similar goods in Thies, Dakar, or any other tourist destination.


Senegalese couscous, millet, etc sold in small serving sized plastic bags.